Ava DuVernay and Autumn Riley
The birth of Ava DuVernay occurred on the 24th day of August on the 24th of August, 1972 in Long Beach California. DuVernay was introduced to art from the aunt Denise. Her aunt was a nurse who stayed overnight in order to provide her with the chance to learn about art literature or theater. DuVernay immediately became enthralled after showing her the 1961 West Side Story film. DuVernay discovered through her example the power of art as a vehicle for activism. In the same way, her mother was conscious of her social status and influenced her to say something through art. DuVernay was brought up in Compton by her parents, but spent the summers with Lowndes County Alabama. This is where DuVernay's father's family has been for generations. The father of DuVernay's mother recalled protests for civil rights that took place over the Edmund Pettus Bridge and the Selma town that was nearby, Alabama. The summers DuVernay spent there inspired her later to make a film about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as his Civil Rights Movement. In 1990 DuVernay completed her studies at Saint Joseph High School in Lakewood California. She went to the University of California Los Angeles to earn degrees in English and African American Studies. DuVernay was in college when she became interested in production for the broadcast media. Her first job was as an intern with CBS News, during the O.J. Simpson trial. DuVernay recalled being asked to look over the rubbish in the house of a member on the jury. Her tasks to complete left her unhappy and, following her decision to not pursue the field of journalism, she was able to move into the industry of publicity. DuVernay got a job right from college, working as a new publicist at a studio. She started The DuVernay Agency, her public relations firm in 1999. Alongside PR, her agency also launched several marketing and lifestyle platforms, such as Urban Beauty Collective, the Urban Beauty Collective, Urban Thought Collective, Urban Eye and HelloBeautiful. Autumn Riley.............................Autumn Riley was born in Los Angeles United States. Autumn Riley has the birth actress of. The American actress and popularly recognized for her role in American Experience (1987), A More Perfect Union (2009) and A More Perfect Union (2009), was born under the zodiac sign of. Autumn has played Rose, on the screen in A More Perfect Union (2009) as well as Anna Payne, in American Experience (1987).
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